Your destiny

The chips are down, you have thrown 4, 1 and 5
Dice by dice, you are going to find out the meaning of each number, which will reveal a variety of aspects of your current circumstances and your state of mind. The conclusion will take account of the roll of the dice as a whole, with an interpretation of the particular combination you have thrown.

Don’t wait to find out about what destiny has in store for you, or the answers it will give you and the advice it has to offer.

Meaning of the first number

No.4 is synonymous with hard work, effort, moral rectitude, work carried out to a high standard and consistency. In love, it is associated with fidelity, sincere emotions and selflessness. It can also represent the family, departures and property deals.

This number controls health and psychological well-being, but also food, sport and healthy lifestyles. No.4 offers good advice and generally brings balance and common-sense. This vibration enables greater stability in life and self-confidence in every situation.

On the negative side, no. 4 can induce an over-serious outlook, austerity, coldness of heart or unhappiness in love, even separation. With this number, you will take your time to set things up and they will take a long time to materialise.

With no. 4, you need to learn to be patient and not inclined to rush things. 4 can also indicate anger, resentment or vengeance: remember this!

a sense of duty

Lack of imagination
too rigid


Meaning of the second number

No. 1 represents determination, action, effectiveness and individuality, plus occasionally solitude. It reflects a new start, an opportunity to be seized, or a run of good luck with unexpected elements.

It is also a number which indicates that you need to rely on yourself to achieve your goals. No. 1 invites you to put the past completely behind you and turn resolutely towards the future.

In a roll of the dice for those in love, it represents the masculine figure, the lover, a person in love or spouse … But, when combined with a negative figure, it can be an omen of imminent danger or a formidable enemy. It also represents the interaction of individual wills.

No. 1 is all about quickness of action and the predictions involved in this number take place very rapidly, owing to the strength of will of the person throwing the dice.

strength and will to assert yourself

tendency to be a dictator


Meaning of the third number

No. 5 involves love, feelings and passion, but also children, happiness, outings and enjoyment. It can bring travel, transformation, great change and outstanding opportunities in your career, as well as new encounters in your love-life.

This is generally a positive number, though it does also have its small minus-points. No.5 is in fact associated with deception, inconsistency and unhealthy relationships, as well as money concerns, difficult relationships, unforeseen events in everyday life and minor injuries. However, this influence also favours creative flair and the ability to bounce back, even in the most awkward and difficult of situations.

However, this influence also favours creative flair and the ability to bounce back, even in the most awkward and difficult of situations.

This is a very potent influence, which brings ultra-rapid predictions and these are not always easy to handle calmly or sensibly. At the end of the day, it can lead to some wonderful surprises and breathtaking turns in your destiny.


lack of realism

Good fortune on the horizon!

Lots of dynamic and lucky prospects of things new as a result of this generally positive combination of numbers! These influences are going to make your path easier and create a few situations, which will make things flow well towards your goals and aspirations. Your determination will be constructive and lead you to be more creative in the broader sense of the word, enabling you to move on to the next stage in your path to achievement.

If you are thinking of anyone in particular, you should realise as you cast the dice that this person is in a position to help you move forward in your life or bring about great change, and you can trust him/her completely. He/she will have a positive influence, which will pervade your life, and moral resourcefulness enabling you to overcome your own reservations.

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