Dice of Destiny

Analysis of your draw

The dice is cast: you have thrown 4, 4 and 5
The individual dice indicate the diverse influences which colour your existence and together, they form a pattern very useful to your understanding, so you can move forward, make the right choices and take constructive decisions.

We are offering you an explanation of the meaning of each dice and a conclusion based on the combination of all 3 numbers together.

Your 3 dice , your destiny

Meaning of the dice 6

No. 6 is about love, harmony, inner tranquillity, peaceful relationships and serenity. It reflects moments of perfect happiness with your other half, within a group or your family. It can lead to birth, marriage or the desire to have children. This is the number of tenderness above all others, with loving exchanges and closeness.

On the negative side, no.6 can bring family troubles, sorrow, disappointment, low self-esteem or painful betrayals. No. 6 is also associated with concerns going back to childhood and problems with loneliness.

The emotions prevail over all other considerations under this influence and provide the momentum in other areas.

This figure encourages you to ask for help and not withdraw into yourself. Its predictions are valid for a short time and will take place in several stages.

Positive points:

Emotional intelligence

Negative points:

Risk of emotional dependency

Meaning of the dice 4

No.4 is synonymous with hard work, effort, moral rectitude, work carried out to a high standard and consistency. In love, it is associated with fidelity, sincere emotions and selflessness. It can also represent the family, departures and property deals.

This number controls health and psychological well-being, but also food, sport and healthy lifestyles. No.4 offers good advice and generally brings balance and common-sense. This vibration enables greater stability in life and self-confidence in every situation.

On the negative side, no. 4 can induce an over-serious outlook, austerity, coldness of heart or unhappiness in love, even separation. With this number, you will take your time to set things up and they will take a long time to materialise.

With no. 4, you need to learn to be patient and not inclined to rush things. 4 can also indicate anger, resentment or vengeance: remember this!

Positive points:

a sense of duty

Negative points:

Lack of imagination
too rigid

Meaning of the dice 5

No. 5 involves love, feelings and passion, but also children, happiness, outings and enjoyment. It can bring travel, transformation, great change and outstanding opportunities in your career, as well as new encounters in your love-life.

This is generally a positive number, though it does also have its small minus-points. No.5 is in fact associated with deception, inconsistency and unhealthy relationships, as well as money concerns, difficult relationships, unforeseen events in everyday life and minor injuries. However, this influence also favours creative flair and the ability to bounce back, even in the most awkward and difficult of situations.

However, this influence also favours creative flair and the ability to bounce back, even in the most awkward and difficult of situations.

This is a very potent influence, which brings ultra-rapid predictions and these are not always easy to handle calmly or sensibly. At the end of the day, it can lead to some wonderful surprises and breathtaking turns in your destiny.

Positive points:


Negative points:

lack of realism

A need for air!

Desiring a change of air? Well, you should rejoice as this combination of numbers augurs movement and wonderful opportunities concerning a possible house move or a real-estate purchase. This combination is associated with signing important documents relating to your living environment, which will become much more pleasant, more changeable or more functional.

At work, it could also be about a change of air, moving premises or changing your place of work, and you are going to appreciate your new working conditions. Your working life is going to take you on an emotional roller coaster ride, with strong feelings and unresolved issues, which won’t always be in evidence. If you look at things objectively, delays will emerge on your path ahead, in order to prepare you better for the future over the long term and to plan your career more effectively, in a different and more comprehensive way.

Watch out for involuntary blunders and gossip. Don’t let yourself be taken unawares, or you would carry the can. The management of your legal affairs will become a priority and this could cause you anxiety, even as you move towards resolving conflicts. You will become aware of your weaknesses and will now be capable of dealing with them. Don’t let yourself feel discouraged by their existence. Accept the help from outside on offer.

Your love-life will go through a period when travel and holidays will be an undeniable factor of good fortune. It wouldn’t be a good idea to turn down a getaway for two or with friends if you are single. In the latter case, these will provide the context for the most promising of encounters.

If you are thinking of anyone in particular, you should know that this person is preparing to move house and get away from you, but this won’t prevent you from hearing from him/her. You can feel reassured! This person needs to change certain aspects of his/her life.

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